Confocal and super resolution microscopy
The confocal systems available have been designed to offer multiple imaging modes at a range of magnifications and working distance.
- Zeiss LSM880 Airyscan (LSM880, invert stand), laser scanning confocal and fast super resolution. Fitted with an additional 355nm laser for induction of DNA damage. The system is designed to enable live cell imagine at super resolution levels. lateral resolution 80nm
- Leica (SP8 MP CSU, upright stand) confocal, two photon confocal microscope with second harmonic imaging for the visualisation of tissue and 3D cell culture
- Leica (TCS SP8 inverted stand) confocal and two photon microscope with second harmonic imaging for the visualisation of tissue and 3D cell culture. gSTED fixed cell lateral resolution 25nm, confocal resolution 180nm
- SVI Huygens, image deconvolution to improve resolution and signal to noise ratio
- Bitplane Imaris, visualisation and analysis of large data sets
- Fiji, open source software for data processing and analysis
- CellProfiler, open source software for screening images
- Support of in vivo imaging data processing and analysis (photonic, X-Ray & CT)
Formation of spheroids imaged under confocal microscopy