Statement of Research Integrity

The Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute is committed to achieving excellence in research. The pursuit of pioneering research and the fulfilment of our responsibilities to participants in research, research users and the wider community requires the maintenance of the highest standards of integrity and ethics to ensure the responsible conduct of research across the Institute.

We value honesty in all aspects of research; the highest standards of experimental rigour; transparency and open communication of our work to the benefit of the wider scientific community; care and respect for those conducting and participating in research, and aim to create a positive working environment in which to achieve the highest standards of research.  To uphold these high standards of, members of the Institute will abide by the commitments outlined in Universities UK Concordat to Support Research Integrity.

Policies relating to research integrity 

We follow CRUK’s Research Integrity Policy and Guidelines for Scientific Conduct, and as part of The University of Manchester, we adhere to its Code of Good Research Conduct, which sets out a commitment to research integrity and the expectations of those who conduct research at the university. As part of the University, we are also subscribers to the UK Research Integrity Office

Guidance and support for researchers

We recognise that the pursuit of the highest standards of research is an ongoing process, and seek to develop a culture of continuous improvement. To embed a culture of good research practice for all staff and students, the Institute provides training and advice on the importance of integrity and rigour in all research undertaken.  This begins with a specific Research Integrity Induction, to ensure that all researchers are aware of their obligations with respect to proper scientific conduct, and is supported by seminars and workshops throughout the year.

To facilitate upholding these high standards and to facilitate ongoing training, we have appointed a dedicated Research Integrity and Training Adviser who reviews all research papers and reviews prior to submission, and supports authors through the publication process. 

Useful links
CRUK Manchester Institute Use of Animals in Our Research
Cancer Research UK's Research Integrity Policy
Cancer Research UK's Grant Terms and Conditions
Concordat to Support Research Integrity
The University of Manchester Research governance, ethics and integrity
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